Psalngs of Solomon Poetic Kabbalah Music and Poetry Album Cover The Psalngs of David Inspirational Poetic Kabbalah Music psalms as songs Psalngs of Solomon Poetic Kabbalah Music and Poetry
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psalms as songs uniting the tribes for peace on earth
uniting the tribes for peace on earth psalms as songs
Psalngs of Solomon Poetic Kabbalah Music and Poetry Psalngs of Solomon Poetic Kabbalah Music and Poetry
psalms as songs psalms as songs
psalms as songs uniting the tribes for peace on earth uniting the tribes for peace on earth
psalms as songs Psalngs of Solomon Poetic Kabbalah Music and Poetry
uniting the tribes for peace on earth psalms as songs Psalngs of Solomon Poetic Kabbalah Music and Poetry uniting the tribes for peace on earth read the lyrics of The Psalngs of David Inspirational Poetic Kabbalah Music

The Psalng of Psalngs -


Am – G – F – E

1) You rode in from the South cause you heard my eyes were wise,
We both spin ‘round the Earth and that’s how time flies
You take me by the palm - I see our synastry
I didn’t know it then but now - I know that we are three,

I had a Legion at my bidding – They knew that I was King,
But that didn’t mean a thing - it didn’t mean a thing,
With only you, cause only you - were one and the same,
Equality of two souls sharing something

And the love we had back then - it has a sequel,
And it’s three for one now - for all people,
She is the Queen - I am the Lion,
She is the Sea an’ I am Her Ra

2) You squeeze the Moon in your Talon and I collect the dew
You wrapped me up in Silver and rubbed me with a feather,
Together, the centre, we found it tender
My fire in your water makes team in us two

When you put your foot down - I bleat for the ground,
The Beat of Mother Nature - open arms to her,
And Pa Playing Pan Pipes with All Creatures,
The long lost path to the Garden of Treasures

The Holy Holy Holy - Hallelujah,
Adam ve Chava in Love yeah,
Joseph is the Stone of Philosophers
And the Other with the Crown of Thorns is back with his brothers.

3) Oh hear me my Love, I am praising your Being,
You open up and step in this mistress I’ve been missing,
And after you were gone - I took on one thousand,
But they didn’t add up – they all paled in comparison.


Learning the way - of the inner Sight,
The Moon is dark skinned – ‘cause the Sun is so bright,
She Loved the way, I loved no other,
I let her go & I cried like my Father

Forty days and Forty nights - a flood of tears,
Holdin’ all the pain in ‘til the end of all years,
Weeping his Sin into the ground,
David passed it onto Solomon

I said – goodbye my Love - I will see you
Again in time - do not feel forsaken,
Our love has grown strong in separation
And we knead it now in every nation.

4) Oh what a Tale and what a Tool - I was and have been again,
The image is illusion that’s the Zion Lion Lesson,
Now I see the lost portion of my soul in your reflection
Hell is all alone if I got no love connection.

Your emotion so flowing with the likeness of your loving,
And I went out fishing and slapped our sacred union,
Piscean sacrificing in a sea of Devotion,
In all the Ocean you are one in a bullion,

Wounded in my heart and in a desert I’ve been wandering,
Stiff-necked Jew and I’ve stuck it out for you!
I hope that’s worth something, something’s really happening,
That hasn’t since you’ve taken, your Love from Jerusalem!

Bring it back from Axum! And come here with your black skin,
Cloven hoof and my horned head, the pain has now ended
And there’s a new beginning, Oh God it’s really happening,
And we are taken in and finally forgiven

Am ooooooooooooooooo G
Adam and Eve in Eden  - Tree of Life Return,
F0000000000000000000 E
Sol and Sea - Aishamayim